Here's what you can find here: \county folder contains folders for several different types of data for that county: \elevation_data.gdb contains mosaicked datasets of 2-foot contours, 1- and 3-meter DEMs, building footprints and hydro breaklines. \geodatabase contains individual tiled geodatabases \las contains LAZ format files. LAZ files are compressed LAS files that are 10 times smaller than the original LAS file. Use LASZIP.EXE to unzip them. Each folder has a tile_index.pdf that contains the tile frames overlain onto a State Highway map for you to determine which tiles to use. \projects folder contains full datasets for small individual projects that don't fit county borders \tile_index folder contains the tile-index used for the original data found in the \county\geodatabase folder. You can also Use this feature class to identify which tiles you want to download.