PROJ 4.4.6 WIN32 Binary Release =============================== This is a package of pre-built binaries for PROJ 4.4.6 for Win32 systems. After the package is unpacked the PROJ\BIN directory should be added to your path. eg. C:\> set PATH=%PATH%;C:\PROJ\BIN If you unpack the distribution somewhere other than C:\, you will also have to set the PROJ_LIB environment variable so that PROJ can find initialization files. eg. C:\> set PROJ_LIB=C:\Software\PROJ\NAD Once these steps are complete, you should be able to use the various PROJ utilities from the commandline. eg. C:\> proj.exe -I +proj=utm +zone=11 +ellps=WGS84 332000 4000000 (input) 118d52'1.182"W 36d7'48.593"N (output) C:\> See the PROJ.4 web site for more details on PROJ. Those wanting to use PROJ.4 DLLs for other applications like MapServer can just copy the PROJ\BIN\PROJ.DLL file, and ignore the .EXE files. However, the PROJ_LIB environment variable will still need to be set to enable use of initialization and datum grid shift files.