********************************POL Details******************************************* POL Summary: This is the POL version of the MNRAMS08 (Ramsey, Minnesota) project. Uses both custom and USGS elevation data. Only USGS is being sent to POL. Also, TIFF tiles were shipped to the customer, but they have been converted to JPEG for POL. Total POL Kit Size on Disk: 322 GB PMI Count: 16,899 (excluding maps and DRGs) PSI Count: 30,490 DRG Count: 16 Tile Count: 183-1meter-jpeg-world files 732-4inch-jpeg-world files POL WHQC Performed By:n/a POL WHQC Date:n/a Date sent to POL: 080415 Processor:Peter Blankenship PM: Katie Neal Please record POL submission in JEM ********************************Self Hosting Details********************************** Grid: MNRAMS08 County: Ramsey CPI(s): MNRAMS JEM Job ID:3027 Product Summary: This kit contains PAR Self Hosting WHS, made from MNRAMS08 in storm1 and Storm9; TGPChecks registered 37 suspect images with the new process, 1 suspect with the old process, Consulted Steve Orlando and Ryan Murphy and they agreed it was ok to pass. Self Hosting Library Details LIB Size on Disk: 194.7 LIB PAR Count: 47206 LIB PSI Count: 30490 LIB Ortho PSI Count: 0 LIB Ortho PMI Count: 16708 LIB OrthoX PMI Count: 8 LIB 1M Tile Count: 183 LIB DRG Count: 16 Neighborhood Sectors: 183 Community Sectors:183 Elevation Used: Custom, USGS Tile Projection(s) CoordSys Geodetic Latitude / Longitude CoordDatum Latitude / Longitude CoordZone WGS 1984 CoordUnits Meter Tile Equalization:n/a Builder: Juan Mendoza Project Manager: Date Handed Off: Picto Media ID: 3027 Media Size: 2 TB WHQC Performed BY: Stephen Orlando WHQC Date: 101007 ************************************************************************************